Formed by extreme chemical and physical processes our earths’ materials contain hidden stories.

I am fascinated by the particularly vivid story of gemstones, minerals and rocks. My current work explores the materiality and stages of metamorphosis involved in their life cycles. I am also drawn to the infinite patterns and symmetry found within their natural form and the human manipulation of them. By investigating their origins, properties and application in our manmade world I hope to open up a discussion about our geological history and the use of minerals today.

Where does it come from?
How was it made?
Who is involved in its production?
What are its uses?
What are its costs?
These are questions directing me in my work.

I previously worked in the jewellery trade, which triggered my fascination of gemstones and began gem cutting, delving deeper into the materiality and qualities of minerals. The multi-disciplinary nature of my art practice allows me to convey different aspects of my subject matter. From site specific installations and sculptures to recorded observations in print, I like to experiment with the languages I use to tell different facets of the story.